The New Logo ALWAYS Sucks: Consumers Hate Change
Okay, the new Gap log did suck. But EVERY new logo design ALWAYS kicks off a spate of negative logo reviews, and many new logos don’t suck. Crowd sourcers beware: consumers hate change. Google “New...
View ArticleBrand Message Gap in Blogs and in Social Media
Burson-Marsteller released a study that claims 76% of blogs were off message. They analyzed more than 150 messages sent out by companies listed in the Financial Times Global 100 and discovered a large...
View ArticleFacebook Connect’s Brand Trust Disconnect
More and more Web sites are offering the “Connect with Facebook” option. It appears Facebook Connect is succeeding where others have failed (most notably Microsoft’s Passport product). They are...
View ArticleHow Half Naked Congressman Saves Gawker Brand fans were in full rebellion. Some threatened to never visit the site again. The Twittering class hated Gawker’s redesign launched February 7th. On February 9th, that all changed.
View ArticleJohnson & Johnson OB Tampons Stringing on Brand’s Consumers
Johnson & Johnson used to be held up as the ideal case study of how a company should respond in a crisis. Their handling of the Tylenol tampering case back in the 1980s was masterful. Johnson &...
View ArticleSocial Media Forces Candid Truth from Brands
Rance Crain has an interesting post in Advertising Age: “Back in the Mad Men days, when the “pioneers of advertising,” as my old boss Stan Cohen calls them, ruled the roost, it was commonly held that a...
View ArticleDon’t Drop the F-Bomb…And Other Good Social Media Advice
“Don’t use the F-Bomb” is a seemingly common sense rule when using social media for corporate purposes. But, common sense is not as common as you might hope. A purported social media expert working for...
View ArticleConsumr: A Yelp For Consumer Goods—No Help
Advertising Age reports the launch today of Consumr, a new social media ratings site. It’s meant to be Yelp-meets-Foursquare to rate consumer packaged goods like Cheerios and Tide. This is a service...
View ArticleGoogle+ Screws Up the Brand Trust Equation
I was right in the middle of writing a blog entry on how the well-documented trust problems of the Facebook brand have left a gaping strategic hole that could have allowed Google+ to topple the social...
View ArticleOld Spice in a Win-Win Duel Between Mustafa and Fabio
When Old Spice announced that Fabio would be replacing Mustafa, the outcry was instantaneous. Was Old Spice going to end up like The Gap and quickly backtrack when customers on social media screamed...
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